Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Firstttttt Worlddddddd Problemsssss!!

Epic, no?

1.  First and foremost, i had the LIFE CHANGING idea today about what Matt and I should dress up as for the Flying Pig (half) marathon.  We have never run a half together, and wanted to make it super fun, and what better way than to dress up as - wait for it - THE WARRIORS!

And, i'm not going to lie - i have too much on my plate as it is right now, and i just happen to have a warriors costume already made.  

Matt thinks this is stupid, but totally reads my blog, so TELL HIM I HAVE BRILLIANT IDEAS!

First World Problems!

2. So i keep whining about my imminent death in a couple weeks as i attempt a marathon with basically no training.  But i have decided to embrace it.  (lies.  i forgot to order new shoes.)  I think i am just going to order the new shoes, and pull a noob and run a marathon with brand new shoes.  Maybe while I'm at it, i will try a new breakfast and eat something exotic for dinner the night before.  WHY NOT?

First World Problems!

3. So i mentioned before that Waffles is doing agility class, and Waffles has been sick.  She missed class last week, and i really didn't want her to miss another one.  Her poop problems seemed to be on the mend, so we went to the class anyway.  Big mistake.  She pooped right in the middle of the course with everyone watching. Between being sick, sleep deprived, and really stressed out, i had a totally normal and predictable reaction - i burst into tears, grabbed the poop and ran out of the class.  I am so embarrassed i don't think i can go back.  WTF is wrong with me??

First World Problems!

4. I almost wrecked my car today day-dreaming about this 30 foot sandwich.

First World Problems!

5.  I know i am a selfish person, but Matt's working late, and the dog is all lethargic from her meds, so i get to come home, and have everyone leave me the f*** alone, and now i can watch Murial's Wedding in peace.  This is quite possible the happiest day of my life.
First World Problems!

6.  The only problem with my indulgence is that during one of Waffles' poop-splosions, she took out the back right speaker of the sound system.  How does one jam to ABBA without surround sound???

First World Problems!

7. Guess how many containers of easy mac are on my desk right now.

Seventeen.  Seventeen containers of orange cheesy perfection.  And i am not allowed to eat them.

First World Problems!

8.  Not that it matters anyway.  When i get sick, my taste buds are the first to go.  I have not had an appetite for days.  Seeing as how food is like the only thing that brings me joy, i am pretty joyless this week....  wompppp, wompppp

First World Problems!

9.  When i was in Senator Durbin's office, i totally stole the Rockford tourism pamplet.  Obviously, i have a problem stealing from senators' offices, but i was totally IN THE TOURISM PAMPLET!!
That pink blob is ME!  and i will be laying on the side of the road exactly four hours after this photo was taken.  #TourismFail

First World Problems!



  1. Gosh I hope you feel better soon. I'm tellin' ya, it's martini time!

  2. hahahah LOVE THIS!

    #2... DO IT! you only live once right? and Take it from me (well.. actually... idk) but it wasn't that bad.. using new shoes.. and trying new food on course/before. haha. you got this :)

  3. 2. I really think this is going to be your best marathon yet. In the past you've been freaking out at this point. This time too much SHIT is going on to distract you. It could work!!!

  4. Love the costume idea, don't know why Matt isn't on board. Hopefully he will be now that I said I LOVED your idea.

    Poor Waffles! What the heck is going on with her? Did she eat and/or steal something she wasn't supposed to have? Poor thing, I hope that she feels better soon.

    If I saw myself in a tourism pamphlet I would probably take it as well...even if it was in the senator's office. :-)

  5. Dress up as the Warriors. I have no idea what it is, but do it!

    You will survive your marathon. embrace the new shoes and why not change up your food intake? Who knows you might find something that works! AND. I ran the 2002 NYC marathon completely NOT TRAINED. like i might have logged 26 miles in the 4 months leading up to the race, and I finished. I had no base, i had no idea what it mean to actually train for a marathon. oh and I had a stress fracture for most of that time period so I really couldnt run.

    You already have a good base, so if you just start slower, you will be fine. I promise. :)

    Poor pup! :( CB hopes Waffles feels better soon.

  6. Hello! Back to the land of the blogging for Gingerfoxx! Glad to see more gifs & first world problems! You'll be fine for anything that comes your way at the Illinois Marathon - you've got three previous ones under your belt! Don't eat anything that you KNOW is a bad thing, and use your noggin' -- no loads of ice cream before you start!

    And think - if you finish quickly enough, they'll have the Papa John's Pizza up at the top of the stadium steps for you!

  7. Oh my goodness WAFFLES! Seriously, those poopsplosions are nuts. Glad to see FWP back. And gimme that Panera sandwich. YUM.

  8. I hope you and your pup get better soon! Being sick is no fun. I'd imagine you should be fine for your marathon, especially if you've run in that model of shoe before and use plenty of Body Glide. Luckily we don't always need perfect preparation to cross the finish line (or at least I'm hoping that's true for my marathon, too).

  9. Murial's wedding is my all time favorite movie. It kills me EVERY time.

    Plz tell Waffles to stop pooping for an audience!

  10. Matt, please run as the Warriors. What a great flick! You can see how many hip spectators there are by counting how many say: "Warriors come out to plaaayay!" Sorry to hear about Waffles in the tunnel, but what a great pic of her!

  11. Love your FWP posts, too funny!!! Hope Waffles feels better soon!

  12. OMG Waffles!! My cousins dog had stomach issues and ended up needing to use all natural puppy food to take care of it. Maybe worth a shot.

  13. Its on the blog now. Matt has no other choice then to run as the Warriors. I woulda swiped the tourism booklet too if I was in it.

  14. Dying at Waffles, the sandwich, and ABBA.

  15. I laughed when I read Pete's comment. "WARRIORSSSS!!! Come out to plaayyyayyy!!" I love how you have a Warriors costume laying around, you know, just in case. I think Matt might not be happy about it at first but would be really excited afterwards. Just think of the awesome professional photo you guys could get to hang in your living room!

    Poor Waffles! I hope she feels better soon! Pepper once pooped in the middle of Pet Smart even though I took her for a walk before going inside. It was really embarrassing so I know how you feel. But I've gone back to that PetSmart because the next closest one is way too far to drive to.

    You will do awesome at this marathon... Echoing some of the comments from previous ppl!

  16. You are epically hilarious. I made John read this all last night and he thought it was just as funny as I did, so i'm not just blowing smoke up your ass either :)

    Must run soon - hope you are feeling better, and that you get the courage to revisit Waffles' agility training, haha!
