Friday, March 2, 2012

suck it, runk!

I am definitely feeling better about running - i think this darn runk is over!  In hindsight, i think part of it was exhaustion.  Not just from the physical act of running, but from life in general.  When i'm not training for marathons, i am working full time, volunteering for HDSA, taking care of a 12 week old puppy, cooking, cleaning, and sometimes doing additional freelance work on the side.  For example - my day yesterday started at 4:30 am when i let the pup out, (but then got to sleep for another hour)  and ended at 12:30.  Thats a long ass day!  no wonder i feel burnt out sometimes.  It's not that i suck at running, its that i suck at life.

I kid, i kid.  In other news - my run last night was amazing.  It was very slow and peaceful.  I tried to move as gracefully as possible because of the whole lady situation, and i felt really relaxed the whole time- almost like i was doing yoga or getting a massage.  The only time i even looked at the garmin was when i thought i might be at the turn around point.  The funny thing is, this super easy pace was almost the same pace i was struggling with when i ran with Keren and Kelsey.  I don't get you running, i really don't.

I was in such a good mood when i got home, i made dinner for matt and the pup.  I know some people are very against feeding pets people food, but not me.  And frankly, if i am eating something that dog shouldn't be eating, i shouldn't be eating it either.  I made shrimp curry and rice (without the sauce for waffles)
A Waffles sized portion
Matt loves really spicy food, and i don't so make everything medium hot, which means he think it is bland and flavorless, and i think it is molten lava destroying my mouth.  Thats love.  

And, for the real news:  The winner of the Artisana giveaway is:

drumroll please....

Congrats!  email me your address (  and i will have Artisana ship you a sampler pack!!

Also, did you hear its supposed to snow this evening?  Must be friday.


  1. Still trying to grasp your definition of 'runk' - is it kind of like being in a 'funk?' And I heard about the snow too - boo hiss. We better not get pelted with belated snow in March & April because it didn't bother to show up in Dec, Jan & Feb...

    1. runk = running funk. It's basically where i get really down on myself for not being a better runner, and then every time i run i am sad because i didn't run further/faster/harder. Basically, i am not sorry to see it go!

      (and if we get a bunch of spring snow, i am going to start randomly punching people!!!)

  2. Stupid ass Friday snow, YOU ARE PISSING ME OFF! It's a weather conspiracy, do something Tom Skiling!!
    Seriously, can't it just be 50 degrees all day every day with no wind and occasional sun?

    1. I seriously have my glove box filled with luna bars right now, because i know every friday will be a 3 hour commute, and for me, thats basically enough time to starve to death. at least next week it will be nice!!

  3. That's a good point about feeding yourself vs feeding the dog! Although, I always found it amusing how excited my dogs would get about dinner time even though I was feeding them the exact same kibble every day. Ah, if only our lives were so simple!

    1. Its really funny to see how excited she is for something just because i am eating it! I thought her head was going to explode trying to get some kale, and it turns out she doesn't even like kale. I think it's the sense of importance she likes more than anything! :D

    2. It also amazes me that our cat gets so excited about the same food day after day! He refuses to eat people food, except popcorn and fish.

  4. I am happy you are through your runk and had a great, peaceful run.

    Don't feel bad for struggling to fit it all in. I am really that way too - a few weeks ago I broke down and complained to my husband that I just wanted "some time to myself!"
