Thursday, December 20, 2012

I have an infogram addiction.


  1. WOO HOO!!!! Congratulations on a fantastic year of racing!!!

  2. Aww! I love it! Thanks for the shoutout! I was surprised Rockford was not your hottest. A 94 degree 10K?! WTF?!?!?!

    I was also surprised to see you did not curse ALL of the races you ran. Hee hee hee.

    Love the "too much" indicator. Ha ha ha.

    And am happy your favorite race pic had Waffles in it!

    1. That 10k was on the 4th of July - it got to 103 that day! Obviously it was just for fun, and I ran through 3,000 sprinklers, haha.

      And, i am way to embarrassed to admit how much i spent on races! I spent $300 alone on Chicago & Dublin - Thats 1 month!

  3. OK this is so fancy and now I feel pressured for my year-end post to be infographic-y. Also you run a lot of miles! I never cracked 130 for one month. Maybe I'll make that a 2013 goal.

    1. Ok, well i am addicted to making them, I even made one showing the amounts of vegetables my coworker ate this week. I am OBSESSED!

      Also, my highest mile months were also my slowest (by alot!), so i would take that with a grain of salt :)

  4. I love this! How awesome! My favorite was the interactive PR vs. non-PR graph. Now I want to make one too for my 2012 schedule review. RUNNERDS UNITE!!

  5. Love this- now I feel like my 2012 recap needs some sprucing up. Yours was so nice and fancy. You seriously did have a fantastic year. Here is to 2013 being even more fabulous!

  6. Extreme weather for the win!!

    What a great year you had! I need to put together some sort of recap, but I am barely tech capable, so it won't be nearly as pretty as yours....
