Sunday, July 29, 2012

Matt Reviews RNR Chicago and BTN 10K!

Some of you may remember my post in "His and Hers Soldier Field 10 Mile" alongside my red-headed sultry fox of a girlfriend, Sara.  If you don't, then in a sentence here was my reaction:  I thought it was going to be extremely hard, but it was actually alright and I beat the time I wanted to finish in (in case you're wanting to make fun of my time, Sara and I did a 1:32:00 or something).

I said that I would NEVER do a half marathon.  Never.

Yeah that I was wrong about...I signed up for the Rock N' Roll Half Marathon here in Chicago a few weeks after my first 10 mile race, and signed my death wish once and for all.  I thought sticking my hand in the inactive garbage disposal was more dangerous at one point.

They charge out the ass these days in the garbage disposal
installation market.
So before I get into the deets regarding the 13.1 miles from hell, I can say that I did try and prepare for this.  Sara and I do eat quite well, especially with our farmers share coming every weekend.  I was running around 3 times a week when work wasn't bat-shit crazy with hours; running around 4-5 miles on the 2 weekdays, and a longer run on the weekend.  Two weeks before the race I did (what I thought to be 11 miles) the longest run I've done period, but it got extremely creepy around 9:30pm at Montrose Harbor.  So I peaced out around 10 miles instead; but I felt great.

I think that long run was the reason i felt confident going into this race.  Except that I drank the Friday before, quite a fair share of beer I may add.  And on Saturday my friend Jordan and I were at Mayhem Fest in Tinley Park for most of the day.....with a hangover.  AND I didn't get home until 12:30am.

The Race:

We woke up at 4am, and headed over around 5 to be there 30 minutes before the start of the race.  I was in Corral 20, Sara was in 7.  So obviously that made me already feel like a slow poke haha.

Once things started though, it was all up to me - we were running separately.


I was already thirsty beyond belief from the start.  I need to start bringing a bottle of water so I'm not standing around going "CMONNNNNNN I DONT CARE WHOS TALKING ON THE INTERCOM SYSTEM."
Who needs to bring bottled water when you could have a
24" tongue?

But I was feeling pretty decent at the 3.1 mile marker...I had a drink at the 1.5 mile water station and kept my 10:00 min/mi pace going slow and steady.  I told myself not to speed up - even if a bro passed me wearing an Ohio State backwards cap, Ray Bans, and Jorts.


I was starting to feel the heat a bit, although I have to say that it was just humid - there wasn't a lot of sun exposure.  I was using each water stop but I was continuing to run whilst drinking.  Which is hilarious by the way - I spill that shit ALL OVER my face and shirt.  It makes me look like I've lost my vision and sense of aim to put a cup of water to my mouth for cryin' out loud...


This must be some kind of Ancient Greek
expression of half marathons affecting the body...
That image is extremely accurate of how I was feeling around mile 9.  I had a giant knot in my stomach, and I decided to make my first pit stop for ice.  Good plan.  I let it melt in the bag, then used it to squeeze cold water over my head and drink some of it for the next mile or so.  Still, I have 4 miles to go...

18K CHECKPOINT (11.2 miles)

I had some real issues here; much worse than at mile 9.  I felt exhausted, and although I kept thinking "5k left; 5k left and that's it dude," it didn't matter.  I was having trouble staying focused - my Zune player was fucking up - COOL TIMING ZUNE.


I finally had to take the shirt off near the finish line, where a group of girls "owww owww'd" me.  I'm sure it was a joke, as I'm pasty white with the form factor of a cup of jello.  I pushed myself to a 8:30ish minute mile for the home stretch - but that was about all I had in me.

I finally did it, 13.1.  It's going to be my limit.  I can tell you a a marathon is too long and too boring for a chap like myself.  And I don't think I'd have the patience for it.

My thoughts on the Xsport Rock N' Roll HM?  I thought it was killer.  The crowd support was amazing.  I mean it was better than any race I've done, albeit I haven't raced as much as some of you folks.  The bands along the course were fantastic, the water stations were aplenty.  I'd race it again for sure.  Sara and I have talked about other cities too - Lexington, Nashville, St. Louis, Las Vegas....NAWLINS (New Orleans for the normal people reading).  But seriously, it's a great series to think about traveling for.


Recently this Saturday I also ran the Big Ten 10k.

Sporting the Purdue shirt; that's right.  I ran the 10k in around 80 degree lakefront weather in 52:40.  Got a negative split and kept my pace almost dead on 8:30 min/mi.  It's the only race I've done where wearing the shirt you get for doing the race is almost a must on race day.  And it makes you proud of your school.  I felt good supporting Purdue doing that.  And it was my best 10k time to date - cool that it was the middle of the damn hot summer haha.

So there you have it folks.  My long-winded version of the races I just did.  Just be glad you didn't see me in person and'd be out past your bed time.

And since you're all runners, that's like 5:30pm SHARP.

 Nice bed head DUDES.

photo courtesy of jdn.


  1. Yeah Matt - great job with your races!

  2. DOn't let that humid RnR experience discourage you from a full. Not that everyone wants to do a full. But a full in cooler weather is a completely different animal...just saying.

  3. Oh how I wish Mike would do this..but the only race he has done was a 5k last fall. He said he'd never do another because I was so mean to him about not getting a picture of me when he finished like 3-4 minutes ahead of me after only "training" for 3 weeks. If it helps, I had the shits all morning and thought I was dying.

  4. For the record, Matt will end up doing a full marathon. Everyone thinks they wont do one at first.

  5. Congrats on your first half! I agree - I thought the RnR was great and it would be such a fun series to follow around the country (I mean...running in Las Vegas?!? Awesome)

  6. Congrats! Half marathons are never quite as much fun as they sound like they'll be when youre signing up. I much prefer 10 milers!

  7. Has the gingerfoxxx turned you into a runner??? CONGRATS on finishing the half!

    ps. bring her back, i miss her sassy self.

  8. Congrats Matt. Thanks for representing Purdue like a true Boiler!

  9. Yay Matt!! Congrats! (and I see a marathon in your future :) )
