It's been a kind of surreal week, resulting in me doing less and less each day. Yesterday, i went out for a two hour lunch of beer drinking. Tomorrow, i don't even think I'll get out of bed. Yesterday i was suffering from a terrible case of "graduation goggles" and was getting all mopey about everyone i am leaving behind - thinking maybe things weren't so bad here. Then i spent two hours in traffic and remembered. Oh, did i remember. Luckily i found a pint (yes, a pint!) of candy hearts leftover from V-day to hold me over.
So it's been a very weird week. I guess because i can't put a thought together, i will just give you the topline:
The weather sucked to drive in.
But was awesome to dance in.
I ate a falafel sandwich that had pickles and french fries on it, and it was the best decision ever
And i keep getting text messages from what appears to be a bored 15 year old boy.
Yeah, it's been a weird week. But thus is life, and change is good -right? I am also excited to explore running on the the southwest side, and i hope to find some nifty trails by my new job to keep me entertained.
Come on, Benny! It's time to ease on down the road!