Friday, August 3, 2012

I love the olympics and infograms!

You all know that i just can't help myself
(click on the infograms to view them larger.  Unless you have the eyes of a sharpshooter.  In which case, why aren't you at the olympics right now??)
I couldn't have said it better myself!

PS - can you imagine eating 16 bananas a day????


  1. Very interesting. I wonder why they equated the amount of water in the pool with toilet flushes! I just read an article yesterday that said 100% of Olympic swimmers do #1 in the pool.

  2. I wish there were an infographic representing how much I love this!

  3. I can't imagine being in that great of shape to eat 16 bananas and burn all those carbs.....let alone make it to the Olympics!! Way to go ATHLETES!!

  4. Those are interesting & fun facts. I can't imagine eating 12,000 calories. That is almost a weeks worth of calories for me! Maybe I should just be eating bananas & sushi?

  5. Have you seen the statistics on the number of condoms supplied at the Olympic Village? The numbers are disgusting/fascinating depending how you look at it. Look it up.

  6. I'm watching online right now :) Cheering on the US Women's Soccer team take on Canadia. I would marry the Olympics if I could - or at least some of the athletes, haha
