Thursday, August 30, 2012

Race Code Etiquette

A Gingerfoxxx PSA.

I am putting this one out there, because i really think a lot of people might not know.
(I only figured this out as i am coordinating a charity race group)

Here's the deal.  I like to consider myself a savvy girl.  If order anything online, i use a coupon code.  (hellloooooo, running warehouse!)  I mean, we're in a recession, and a girl has to be thrifty!

Sometimes for races, you can also get discount codes - for registering early, etc.  Here's the thing though - how often do we stop and think where that code is actually coming from?

As a charity, all the Team Run for HD runners were given a code for discounted registration.  Now, we didn't flash that code around, you have to get it by request through our website. In exchange for that discount, our charity pledges volunteers.  For every 5 people who use that code, we have to provide one volunteer for 5 hours.  Seems fair right?

Well, unfortunately, some people leaked our charity code.  I have three people that signed up with MY code just to get the discount.  After relentlessly emailing them in an increasingly bitchy way, they 'fessed up.  I highly doubt any of them had any ill-intentions, and simply just wanted a discount for a somewhat expensive race.  In fact, i don't think they even know where the code came from, as one girl seemed truly embarrassed over the whole thing.

So no harm, no foul, right?

Except heres the catch.  Those three hooligans are enough to force me to come up with one more volunteer.  And if you really want to get into the numbers. i usually charge around $125-150 as a consultancy hourly rate (In case you ever need amazing industrial design services) so to have to forfeit 5 hours of my precious time is really $625 loss for a $5 coupon code.  See where i am going here?

Granted, i was going to volunteer anyway.  And i suckered my favorite cousin Ammanda to volunteer, and it will just be more time to spend with her that weekend.  But - as a PSA - consider where your race discount codes are coming from, and what kind of crazy butterfly effect they might have on me!  (and, i suppose, other people)

***(And if you haven't figured out, i will be at packet pick-up for the Chicago Half Marathon next Saturday Morning - stop by and say hi if your there!)


  1. Geesh...that's all crazy for only $5 off a race? Did I read that right? Only $5 discount?

    1. I know!!! it seems so insignificant for so much trouble!

  2. What hours are you going to be at the Expo? Still deciding when I'll be stopping by :)

    1. I will be there from 9-1, and i will probably loiter around the expo a little before i have to head down to the race site to set up!

  3. Yikes! I am so glad I have only used a code that was given to me!! I would otherwise probably feel like shit right now. Finally I did something right.

    1. Its something i never would have though about unless i looked at it from the coordinators perspective!

  4. Was Waffles one of the three hooligans? :-)

  5. I once found a coupon code that was meant for members of a local running club. (I am not a member) I opted not to use it in the case that they would hunt me down with picthforks. It is fear that keeps me honest.

    That stinks that your code got leaked, especially since that means more work for you (and your friends)

  6. Thanks for sharing because I had NO idea about this! And I cannot believe people used a code they were not supposed to. It's almost like you need to make an individual code that expires after being used once to prevent this sort of crap :(

  7. I am so glad you told us this! I had no idea that was the way it works.

  8. I very rarely have a coupon code to use, but most races in Spokane are dirt cheap (that must be why they give you crappy cotton tee-shirt). At least the hooligans fessed up, even though I would still be super pissed.

  9. I'm glad you posted about this. Something similar came up yesterday with my running club, and because Kelly remembered this post, she questioned where this too-good-to-be-true (and legit) discount code came from. Most people don't realize that these codes ARE checked up on.

    1. There is almost always an angry redhead waiting on the other side of that discount code, so tread carefully!

  10. I'd never really thought about "stealing" coupon codes, but then again, I don't think I've ever used a coupon code I haven't either gotten from the race organizers themselves via social media or through my local running club. I would hope that if more people knew that using coupon codes that they shouldn't have access to could harm someone, they would probably think twice. The people given the code in the first place should definitely know better than to spread it around if it's going to cost your organization time/money.

  11. Very interesting! I never realized that this happened. Not being a hooligan is a perk of not running right now.

    p.s. I'm just happy you posted!

  12. I haven't thought about it like this before. Very interesting. And it goes to show that things can get very out of hand quickly for only $5.
