Friday, February 10, 2012


I had to tweak my thursday run a little.  Again, my goal is on Thursdays to wake up, and hit the treadmill with no food, no coffee, and tired legs from the night before to help get a feel for what the last few miles of a marathon might feel like.  Matt was sick Thursday morning, so i ended up on a.m. puppy duty, (and subsequently brought her to work to let him rest).  That meant i ran thursday night instead, after a glorious day of sitting on my butt, drinking coffee, and eating sandwiches.  Because of this it really wasn't that hard of a run...perhaps next week i will add a hangover into the mix just for an extra challenge....
It's been brought up that i might be color-blind.  I assure you i'm not, i just have sense of style, and just don't care.  I apologize if the way i mismatch on daily basis makes you nauseous.  Truly sorry.

I have also come to the realization, while making plans to go out for beers Friday night, that i might have to adjust my diet in the near future to better support me as i train for my first marathon.  For example, this is what i chose to refuel with last night:
Coconut water isn't bad i suppose, but the only reason i bought it is because they don't have mini bottles of champagne at the check out at Dominicks.  I eventually went home and made a reasonable dinner for Matt and i, but i really need to evaluate ALL my daily food choices.  That or they need to come out with protein filled twizzlers.   (please, please, please, PLEASE!)

It's just really hard to make good choices immediately after i run (you know, when what i put in my body is of the upmost importance)  I am not really hungry after a run, and i am down right nauseous after a super long or super hard run, but candy always sounds delicious.  For some reason, my sense of logic shuts down, and some other part takes over (the part that demands candy).

In other news, my long run is tomorrow, and surprise of the century:  It's supposed to snow tonight!  On the plus side, its a shorter run tomorrow, but still, it is super annoying to shovel my car, drive through the slush, and fall on my ass on the lakefront path.  I don't like ANY of these things, and i feel like it has only been snowing on Fridays to torment me.

Come what may, i am still going out there, because i am forcing my training group to do the virtual run for Sherry with me. Check it out here.  This has turned into a huge grassroots international run to remember Sherry, the teacher in Montana that was abducted and murdered during a Saturday morning run.  I might be a bitch 99% of the time, but every once in a while, i try to do something nice.  And bitchily force other people into joining me.


  1. Enjoy your freezing run on Saturday. My butt will be inside not running since it's rest day!

    I'm awful at refueling too. Last night after my 6 mile run all I wanted was cesar salad. Great decisions.

    1. at least caesar salad is healthy! what do twizzlers have??

  2. On Saturdays, where do you run? Do you run with a running group? I usually do my "long" runs then too. I'm not looking forward to the snow!

    1. I am doing the CARA winter marathon training program - i would highly recommend it, because my butt would not be running this winter without a support group. It gives me a reason to get out of bed!

  3. I hope you don't have a long drive home tonight in the snow! And that your run goes well!

    Yum, twizzlers. I love those sour ones with the feeling. UGH! Keep them away from me!

    My BF loves craves sugary stuff after a long run too. :)

    1. Have you had the neon ones?? They are SO good, and probably worse for you than regular twizzlers....

      I am staring out the window right now debating whether to stay or go....

    2. Yesssssssss... yum yum!

      Get out now!!!!
