Thursday, November 3, 2011

Diet coke is not cool.

I should have ran last night.  But i didn't.  I ended up having a diet coke binge after my crazy ex-boss showed up and started screaming at everyone.  He even made our pregnant office manager cry.  WTF.  I had promised not to make a scene, and gotten the "don't burn bridges" talk, but lets face it, the bridge was nuked.  So i peaced out for a while and hung out at the Jimmy Johns, and ended up refilling my drink like 7 times without realizing it.  I don't even drink soda normally, so that was slightly excessive.  Needless to say, i ended up feeling nauseous and jittery the rest of the day.  I was going to go for a brief run before my  "HDSA brainstorming meeting"  but instead i curled up in a ball on the couch until Matt came home.  Just another reason i will end up going all vigilante on my ex-boss next time we cross paths.  INTERFERING WITH MY RUNNING SCHEDULE!  I considered running this morning, but it is horrible windy and rainy, and i just don't care anymore.  I brought my stuff to run during lunch, and i am slowly coming to terms with the inevitable Chicago winter.  Because of the bad weather, i also sat in traffic for hours.  BUT, the one saving grace is that i saw this:
Wait, you don't take pictures of other peoples cars when sitting in traffic??
If you have super eagle vision, you can plainly see that THAT is an Arkansas license plate.  Because i spend so much time in traffic, i started playing the license plate game with myself.  That baby means i only have about 5 states left to find - Hawaii, Alaska, Idaho, Rhode Island, and Delaware.  Actually make that 7, because i still need West Virginia, and either North or South Dakota (i'm not sure and will have to review)  Today was a good day for me. 

I also started to take on more boss like activities to keep my office running, and now have the ability to make charts in Keynote.
I am starting to understand why i get so little done......
I actually have a ton of work to do, so i have no idea why i just spent a bunch of time making this chart.....

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